2023 Youth Group Report to AGM
Youth Group is a program for teenagers (Year 9 to Year 13 students) that is run every Friday night in the Church Gym during the school term. Right now, we have approximately 19 youth regularly attending!
Our current leaders are Kevin Wong, Rebekah Wong, Tushaal Kumar, En Torng Kumar and Lucia Wang (on break) who are overseen by Sam Cutforth (Associate Pastor).
Our main goals for each individual youth are:
To understand the gospel and make their own decision about it
To know how to read the bible and apply it in their own lives
To know how to pray for both themselves and others as they rely on God
To have confidence in their identity in Christ
To achieve these goals, this year we studied four topics:
In Term 1, we studied the book of Luke, with a focus on Jesus’ parables, such as the Prodigal Son, which gives us a clear picture of the gospel. We also studied the Easter Story in the lead up to Easter weekend.
In Term 2, our topic was “What is Church?”, where we looked at the purpose of God’s people as the church as well as different ordinances we practice at church, and what they mean, such as baptism and communion. Seeing one of our youth decide to get baptised was a real highlight.
In Term 3, we went through the book of Ephesians chapter by chapter.Through our study of Ephesians, the youth had a deeper understanding of the gospel and how our lives should
In Term 4, we are currently looking at the book of Proverbs! We hope this topic will teach the youth how to live with fear of the Lord in all areas of life: money, friendship, workplace and more.
This year we also have had a lot of fun as well! One leader and a few youth attended the FRBCNZ Youth Camp over the Easter weekend run by Shore Baptist Church which was a great time of fun and Christian fellowship and encouragement to our youths’ faith. We ran a “Taskmaster'' game show, an Escape Room, and a Badminton Tournament! We believe that our youth have grown closer to one another as a result of fun memories together!
Thank you for all the support from Sam and the church, and also the parents for their words of encouragement and entrusting their teenagers to join us on Friday nights. Thank you also to our amazing leaders who have taken time out of their weeks to serve God in this ministry, especially for the first two terms of the year with Rebekah taking time off to look after baby Luke..
Thank you to God for blessing our youth ministry with teenagers who regularly attend and who are interested to learn more about His Word and the gospel.
Please continue to pray for our youth that they will be able to grow in their knowledge and walk with Christ. We have some youth who are yet to decide to receive Christ, so please pray for those youth especially that God will be working in their hearts.
You can use the flyer each week as reference to what to be praying for. For parents of youth we also encourage you to use that to be able to have specific engaging conversations with them about our content.
Please pray for our leaders as we prepare the Bible studies and minister to the youth each week. Pray that we would be used by God to reach the youth of our church, and the wider community, and that we would faithfully teach the gospel.
Kevin & Rebekah Wong